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USB Tokens

USB Tokens

The USB interface has proven to be the most convenient and universal way to connect security tokens to a computer. Smart USB tokens with built-in cryptographic processors are viewed as the most secure way to implement user authentication and digital signatures in a Public Key Infrastructure.
WISeKey-powered USB tokens are based on dedicated 8-/16bit and 32-bit secure microcontrollers featuring specific functions, such as online transaction processing, real-time clock, and enhanced electrostatic discharge protection. Dedicated functionality enables you to reduce bill of materials costs. WISeKey Solutions for USB tokens include:
• Common Criteria EAL5+ certified tamper-resistant secure microcontrollers with embedded USB 2.0 interface
• “Ready-to-use” certified cryptographic libraries
• Personalization services
• Choice of contact or dual interfaces
• Form factors including dies, modules, packages, and eToken cases
Secure Microcontrollers Products
Secure Solutions Products
Secure Microcontroller Solutions (Middleware)
EasyPlug: PKCS#11, Windows CSP libraries