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to recognize, celebrate, showcase and promote the most outstanding NFT artworks, projects and concepts and to connect their outstanding creativity and artwork with investors, patrons, and collectors from all over the world.

Date & Time08.30 PM to 09.30 PM CET Wednesday, 25th May 2022
Duration:1.00 hour, followed by WISeKey reception
LocationHotel Europe Davos, Promenade 63, 7270 Davos
Dress CodeCasual
  • Hossein Rahnama, Founder and CEO, Flybits Inc. Associate Professor, Ryerson University. Visiting Professor, MIT Media Lab
  • Gunter Pauli, Director, ZERI and initiator of the blue economy concept
  • Stéphane Duguin, Chief Executive Officer of the CyberPeace Institute
  • Roxy Liu, Director, Eureka Meta Capital
  • Éric Salobir, President of the Executive Committee of the Human Technology Foundation and Founder of OPTIC
  • David Shrier, CEO & Co-Founder Esme Learning Solutions
  • Mrinal Manohar, CEO CasperLabs
  • David Fergusson, Co-Creator, ‘The Code to the Metaverse’; Executive MD, Generational Equity
  • Pierre Maudet, Chief Digital Transformation Officer WISekey
  • Lucio Adrian Ruiz, Secretary Dicastery of Communication, Holy See
  • Jared Hoskins, COO | CIO | Cybersecurity Leader at Strong Connexions
  • Mihir Shukla, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder Automation Anywhere, Inc
Moderated byCarlos Moreira, Founder CEO WISeKey and David Ferguson, Executive MD, Generational Equity

Our speakers

Hossein RahnamaFounder and CEO, Flybits Inc. Associate Professor, Ryerson University. Visiting Professor, MIT Media Lab
Carlos Creus MoreiraFounder, Chairman and CEO at WiseKey
Gunter PauliDirector, ZERI and initiator of the blue economy concept
Stéphane DuguinChief Executive Officer of the CyberPeace Institute
Roxy LiuDirector, Eureka Meta Capital
Éric SalobirPresident of the Executive Committee of the Human Technology Foundation and Founder of OPTIC
David ShrierCEO & Co-Founder Esme Learning Solutions
Mrinal ManoharCEO CasperLabs
David FergussonExecutive Managing Director - M&A & Technology Practice Leader at Generational Equity, LLC
Pierre MaudetChief Digital Transformation Officer of WISeKey
Lucio Adrian RuizSecretary Dicastery of Communication, Holy See
Jared HoskinsCOO | CIO | Cybersecurity Leader at Strong Connexions
Mihir ShuklaChief Executive Officer and Co-Founder Automation Anywhere, Inc
Date & Time

09.30 PM to 10.30 PM CET

Wednesday, 25th May 2022

Duration:1 hour, followed by WISeKey reception
LocationHotel Europe Davos, Promenade 63, 7270 Davos
Dress CodeCasual
Format / DescriptionThe NFT Revolution
  • Mayte Spinola, Artist, Philanthropist, Founder Pro Arte and Cultura Group
  • Pedro Sandoval, NFT Worldwide renowned Artist
  • Maria Pia Aqueveque Jabbaz, Token Economy (Blockchain & DeepTech) & Fintech Corporate Advisor|Strategy
  • Juan Antonio March Pujol, President Fundacion Onuart
  • Wang Wei, China Metaverse , Founding Chairman of China Mergers and Acquisitions Association (CMAA)
  • Mark Okes-Voysey, Hassans International firm
  • Emilio Ramirez de MATOS, Lawyer – Doctor of Laws -General Secretary of the Foundation Casa De Alba-Vice President of the Court of Arbitration of the Madrid Bar Association
  • Juan Carlos Sainz-Borgo, Professor and Dean at UPEACE University for Peace, Costa Rica
Moderated byCarlos Moreira, Founder, Chairman and CEO at WiseKey

Our speakers

Carlos Creus MoreiraFounder, Chairman and CEO at WiseKey
Mayte SpinolaArtist, Philanthropist, Founder Pro Arte and Cultura Group
Pedro SandovalNFT Worldwide renowned Artist
Maria Pia Aqueveque JabbazToken Economy (Blockchain & DeepTech)& Fintech Corporate Advisor|Strategy, Business Model & Regulation |Token Economy (Blockchain) Speaker | Board Director| Influencer
Juan Antonio March PujolPresident Fundacion Onuart
Wang WeiFounding Chairman of China Mergers & Acquisitions Association (CCMA)
Mark Okes-VoyseyHassans International firm
Emilio Ramirez de MATOSLawyer – Doctor of Laws -General Secretary of the Foundation Casa De Alba-Vice President of the Court of Arbitration of the Madrid Bar Association
Juan Carlos Sainz-BorgoProfessor and Dean at University for Peace (UPEACE)
Date & Time

10.30 PM to 11.00 PM CET

Wednesday, 25th May 2022

Duration:30 minutes, followed by WISeKey reception
LocationHotel Europe Davos, Promenade 63, 7270 Davos
Dress CodeCasual
Format / DescriptionThe WISe.ART NFT AWARDS 2022 will be announced at the WISekey Davos 2022 event to recognize, celebrate, showcase and promote the most outstanding NFT artworks, projects and concepts and to connect their outstanding creativity and artwork with investors, patrons, and collectors from all over the world

WISeKey Davos Gatherings

From 2007 WISekey has continuously gathering exports at Davos helping to define the technology agenda for a trusted human centric Internet


The Cybersecurity TechAccord

The Cybersecurity Tech Accord is a public commitment among more than 60 global companies to protect and empower civilians online and to improve the security, stability and resilience of cyberspace. The Cybersecurity TechAccord Meeting


WISeCoin – An ecosystem designed to bring security to new heights

The Individual as the Fulcrum to the Internet of Everything

WiseCoin was established to secure the Blockchain and the Internet of Things (IoT) world, which is increasing in complexity and becoming more prone to cyber threats.

Get the latest updates about blockchain technology and projects globally. Connect with experts and blockchain based projects happening around the world.

Titled Blockchain and The Internet of Value, the gathering of global technology, finance, government, academic and media leaders was a notable feature of the Davos agenda. With a capacity audience of over 300 delegates, a panel of industry experts engaged in an interactive debate about the opportunities and challenges presented by the adoption of Blockchain technology during this time of unprecedented digital transformation.


Internet of Things

Embedding digital certificates based on WISeKey Public Key Infrastructure and OISTE Global Rootkey into NFCTrusted© tags enables consumers to interact securely with almost any IoT object or transactions in a trusted manner.

Carlos Moreira’s podcast interview with -- Deb Donig, PhD
Carlos Moreira’s podcast interview with
-- Deb Donig, PhD

Assistant Professor of English Literature
Cal Poly, SLO
P: 805-756-7187

Ethical Tech California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly)

The TransHuman Code: Carlos Moreira imagines a human-centered technological future.

In this episode of the podcast, I speak with Carlos Moreira, the CEO of WISeKey. We discuss the possibilities for building a human-centered technological future today—and the consequences if we do not. What does a human-centered model for technological production look like? How can we build human rights into our tech? And what needs to change to return human values to tech?