Secure Connected Cars
WISeKey secures connected cars
@WISeKey Post Quantum Microchips to secure connected cars will have a significant impact is in the development of autonomous vehicles to securely store and process sensitive data, such as sensor readings and navigation information road.
Post-quantum microchips could also be used to ensure the security of communications between autonomous vehicles using WISeSat.Space and other connected devices, such as traffic lights and other vehicles on the road and also play a role in the development of new technologies, such as smart cities and connected car ecosystems. These chips could be used to securely store and process data from connected cars, such as traffic patterns, road conditions, and vehicle performance data, which could be used to improve the overall efficiency and safety of the transportation system. (Xanax)
The advent of post-quantum microchips has the potential to significantly impact the car industry by improving the security and reliability of vehicles, enabling the development of new technologies, and contributing to the creation of smarter and more efficient transportation systems.

Brand Protection
Counterfeiting is a rampant and growing problem—currently the estimated worldwide market value of counterfeit goods exceeds $650 billion dollars.

Secure Microcontrollers
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Smart Card Readers
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Securing the IoT
The Internet of Things has the potential to change the way we work and even our daily lives. The ability to monitor and manage objects makes possible to enable a full spectrum of new solutions to optimize systems…

Secure Solutions
WISeKey’s VaultIC security product family, consisting of security modules, related middleware and personalization services provide customers with standards-based, turnkey solutions for a wide range of applications…

VAULTiTRUST is a trusted security personalization and provisioning service for Internet of Things (IoT) hardware and software security solutions.